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7/11/24 Building your Business and Network

7/11/24 Building your Business and Network

Sex Work Solidarity. Rachel Yukimura


This presentation is intended to educate surrogate partners on different kinds of sex work, with an emphasis on destigmatization and solidarity.  Topics covered include the whorarchy, decriminalization, elements of social positioning/ privilege/ oppression in the context of sex work, and sex workers as SPT clients.  We will end the session with a conversation, allowing trainees to discuss amongst themselves whether or not they consider SPT to be a form of sex work.  Regardless of how they answer that question, I would like them to come away from this presentation understanding how SPT fits into the complex history of sexuality-related professions, and how to be in solidarity with more marginalized practitioners.


Business Skills. Michelle Renee


  • Building your Network

  • Marketing (website pros and cons, who do you want to market to, therapists or clients?)

  • Business organizational structure, i.e. LLC vs Sole Proprietor

  • Banking and bookkeeping

  • Insurance

  • Taxes (quarterly estimated, annual filing)

  • Physical space, where to work, how to find a location

  • Policies and Procedures: cancellation policy, client agreements, release of information, consent


About the Presenters


This session will go from 3:00 to 5:40 Pacific time, which includes 2.5 hours and allows for a 10-minute break somewhere in the middle, at a time that is appropriate for the material. Then the guest speakers will leave us, and there will be an additional half hour, from 5:40 to 6:10, which will be a facilitated discussion and integration of the prior content. This last half hour is optional, so if you’ve had enough at that point you are welcome to skip it. If you choose to stay, you will be invited to consider questions, either all together or in breakout groups, like “What most impacted you from today’s session?” “How do you think you can incorporate this in your work as a surrogate partner?”


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